
Our Third Snow This Winter!!

Blah Blah Blah.
More snow for us "Kentuckians!"
Can you hear how Thrilled I am!?
Well I always make the best of situations so today I bundled all of us up and headed outside of like maybe 40 minutes of play! YAY!
It seems like a LOT of work to take half an our to put on 10 layers of clothes just to stay out an equal amount of time eh? Oh well I got some cute shots of my boy and tonight I managed to get a few full moon shots! (Oh yeah!)

His first handful of snow today :) He is always in awe with snow when he picks it up. You gotta love childhood curiosity and innocence!
Rosy Cheeks
Why is it IMpossible to get this child to look at me when I have my camera?! WHY?! It's frustrating to have every shot of your kid looking right, left, up and down but hardley EVER right at you! LOL
I don't know if I ever mentioned that I LOVE candid shots? Well, I do and I'm so lucky to have captured one today of my husband (because if you don't know, he HATES having his picture taken! So once I got it edited and showed him of course he LOVES it lol..and thats R.A.R.E!

Me and my Boy!
And yes, I turned over the camera to him to snap one of me and Dillon..which I LOVE how it turned out and how nicely tan my skin looks (I guess because it's against so much white! LOL) This is my entry for Photoshoot Friday!

So wild man picks up a handful of snow and eats it. Problem was he picked up the handful out of the SANDBOX and I guess got more sand than snow in his mouth! So the next several minutes were spent drooling and making that yucky crunch sound you hear when you get sand in your mouth! ICK!

Our full moon was beautiful tonight cascading it's light on the snowy blanket! The snow was 'sparkly and glisteny!'. I went out and captured a few shots I loved! Here's a couple:
and one more time~
Our full moon!
Oh how I love the moon! I'm entering the second Moon photo into "Best Shot" Friday over at Better in Bulk blog and Foto Friday over at Household 6 Diva (the theme is "light"-light from the moon? AND Skywatch Friday of course..along with Show {Off} Your Photo Friday over at And Then, She {Snapped} blog! To share something about this photo...I used my 85mm lens, did a crop to come in and see the detail of the moon, used the burn tool to bump up the dark detail on it and saved!
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

swftomand then, she {snapped}Household6Diva FotoFriday

Our Third Snow this winter!
Some HUGE HUGE flakes started falling after we came in. So I ran back out on our porch and tried to get a focus where I could maybe capture a few snowflakes crisply focused but didn't really succed but I still liked this photo for some reason :)

I hope you enjoyed how I spent my Thursday! :D

30 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Anonymous said...

Looks like an amazing day with great captures! Looks like it was so much fun! Love the moon shots, so gorgeous! The last one is my favorite, so beautiful! Have a great Friday! Yay! xx

Heidi said...

Some really great shots! Love the moon, I have never been able to get a shot with great detail like this!

Casey said...

Love the pictures, You do a great job! The first one is amazing! That would have been perfect for the I Heart Faces "winter wonderland" this week, if its not to late you should add yours!

cat said...

Beautiful beautiful shots! So far removed from our heat.

Lesley said...

Love your snowy photos, the faces pop against so much white :)

Our Beaten Path said...

I feel your pain. We just got over a major snow storm here and they are calling for more snow Monday....THIS IS THE SOUTH!! ;P Your pictures are really cute though! The one of you and your sweetie turned out great! I also took advantage of that awesome moon! That'll be posted on my Project 365 tomorrow. Happy Friday!

Michelle said...

I love that first shot with the snow falling, perfect :)

Unknown said...

Love all your photos, but those moon shots are amazing! I cannot get a good photo of the moon, it always comes up like a distant blur. Great job!

Hazelnut said...

Those moon shots are amazing! Love all these photos especially the one with your cute little boy drooling.

~Shari said...

Oh I am so jealous of you and all your snow shots. Even tho we got tons of snow also, I don't have any cool shots. Mainly because I have a prissy little model that told her Mimi that it was toooo tooo cold to go outside. :(

I so intended to go out and get some *snow* shots with out the model but I was in my work clothes and I would have had to change.. blah blah blah. I made dinner - got all POed at launching CS5 and I went to bed.

Thanks for sharing all of your lovely shots!

Kate said...

I wishhhh my son loved playing in the snow! He hates it! lol

My life right now

- Jessi - said...

These are fun! Enjoy the snow. Love the moon photo, I tried the other night, but it didn't turn out like I wanted.

Ashley Sisk said...

You know I love some candid moments too and the one of your husband is great - as is the one of you and Dillon. Also love the last shot!

Anonymous said...

Love your snow story! Especially love the last pic-looks almost texturized. Awesome.


Jennifer said...

Great photos! Love them all, that last one is so beautiful! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up!

Kim, USA said...

Wow love your photos! I also took last night full moon but it turned out like a blob. Your's are amazing!!Happy weekend!

Watch my Sky

Gina Kleinworth said...

They are all great- but I am always drawn to the moon shots because this is the one thing that I just can't figure out how to capture right. It is something I just keep working at. Gorgeous!

kayerj said...

I enjoyed your snow day :) Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

Anonymous said...

LOL eewww!! Snow out of the sandbox! Gotta love kids!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Your son is so cute.

Your moon captures are amazing! How did you do it?

Jeska said...

Aww fun pictures! My Hubby hates his picture taken too, so I usually have to sneak them in! Haha. Love the moon shots, beautiful!

Anastasia said...

I love the shot you submitted for Foto Friday... the moon with those little circles that I don't know the name of yet. It's such a neat photo!

Tiffany Franklin said...

aw dill is so cute and you do look tan, did you hit up the tanning bed haha jk. :-) the moon shots are great you really have went a long way with those!

Snowcatcher said...

Your moon shots are lovely! Your husband does a good job with your camera, too. I think you've had more snow there than we've had in Denver this year!!!

Amber said...

In Southern Illinois here and we just got our 4th snow yesterday. We are usually lucky if we get 1 a year. It's pretty and makes for some great pics but I think I am done with snow for the year. :)

I love your moon shots!

Michelle R said...

These are so cute!! I love the one of you and your boy together! And candid shots are usually favs...

I love your moon-flare too! Too cool!

Katherine Schultz said...

Awww well look at it this way - the snow provides a beautiful backdrop for your wonderful photographs :) And what great photographs they are!

Summer wil be here soon enough!

K xx

L. said...

I love all of your snow photos and your moon shots are just amazing! (You can send some of that snow up to VA if you like!)

rachel said...

these are great, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that last shot. I hate the snow, myself, but it does make for some awesome photo ops!

Jill G. said...

I love the effect you ended up with on the snow shot- it looks beautifully dreamy!

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