Here are my interpretations of Scavenger Hunt Sunday! (There won't be much to read here as I'm kind've in a hurry) but I hope you still enjoy it! :-)

Evening Shadows
2.Patterns Repetition

Repetitive water drops for a project I did yesterday which you can read about HERE.
3.Bright White

And LOTS of it.

Icicles strongly holding onto our porch "roof". This is also my Scripture and Snapshot for this week! I love this verse!


I like the "warmth" the edit I used here adds. Also this is the very church my husband and I were married! This church has always been so warm and inviting!
Again, hope you enjoyed my interpretations this week! Happy Sunday!
37 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
I really love this verse and the photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful Sunday.
I love the verse and the icicle shot that goes with it. The shadow shot is awesome, too!
the church is gorgeous...what a beautiful interpretation :-)
have a good week
I love the scripture you used!
Love the patterns shot... very fun!! and the icicles are cool... he he...
I followed your Ramblings and Photos entry. I love the church photo, what a cute building, and how sweet that you got married there. :o)
I love the snow and icicles photos! They are fantastic. I wish we got weather like that here.
Hi Natalie
I loved that cd shot and I'm gonna have to go and check out that other page too. The colours in that shot are amazing.
Those are quite some icicles and the verse you've used is such a favourite of mine too.
I like how you edited that little church - it reminds me of the church in Little House on the Prairie.
Beautiful water drops!!!
great idea for the patterns foto. Very creative :)
Your water on the disc is awesome and I love the interpretation of warmth!
I LOVE your scripoture and a snapshot.. and love that verse.. and I too was married in a little baptist church.. Beautiful!
Love your shots this week - your patterns/repetition shot is soooo cool and the church you got married in is so sweet.
Natalie - these are fantastic! I am digging your repetition shot - what a cool idea :D
I like your interpretation of strong. Nice shot of the icicles. Love the photo of the church too.
I loved looking around. Really enjoyed seeing the picture of the little Baptist Church. Joining you at Katie's.
These are all absolutely stunning!! Love love love your bright white shot. Gorgeous! Happy Sunday! xo
The shot of the Water Drops is amazing!
The icicles with the verse is my favorite. I like the warmth of the church, too. :)
LOVE your patterns photo!
Love, love, love that take on pattern! They are all amazing, tho. So creative, Natalie!
Lovely shots. You did a great job. I think shadows in my favorite.
Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com
Love, love, love your photos!!
LOVE your patterns, fabulous colors! & I also love your warmth :)
LOVE your patterns, fabulous colors! & I also love your warmth :)
Wow! LOVE the patterns photo!
awesome cd photo! WOWOWWWW!!! for reals WOW!
Wow I loved patterns! Great shot!
ALL great shots!!! Love your evening shadows...very creative. And that CD shot...WOW! Love your take on warmth :)
Well done! I LOVE the repetition picture! SO colourful! Very nice! This is my VERY FIRST time participating in this challenge, it is sure fun to see everyone's own interpretations of the theme! Take care and have a great weekend!
I love your patterns photo and how colorful it is!
I really like the patterns & bright white.
Natalie, What beautiful shots! The droplets on the CD are fantastic, and I love your Scripture & A Snapshot. :)
Gorgeous, I love all of them, but I think my favorite is your warmth shot. It reminds me very much of a church from my hometown!
You rocked the cd shot!
Love that verse!! Thank God we can cast our burdens on him!!
And what an adorable little church!
Fantastic captures, especially the Scripture & a Snapshot! =)
Have a great week!
Some more great pics. And I really like the picture-verse. Would like to use that one on my blog (with credit back here).
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