Material things have never meant a thing to me. They're nice to have and enjoy but nothing will go with us when we go. I love my son, he's my most prized posession. I would give my life for him and I make sure he doesn't go without. We would go without before he would. He's the sheer representation of me and my husband, together, our life..the very reason we don't give up. Failure is not the falling down, but the refusal to get back up." I believe that...don't you? My "one(/two) word(s)" for this year was Strength and Perseverance and it's funny that I chose that because I've had to practice it more than ever.
I have grown and changed in so many ways. Spiritually, emotionally, matured and I'm proud of the woman I'm becoming. My relationship with God has definitely gotten stronger and I practice patience and understanding more than anything. I definitely am NOT perfect, and I never pretend to be. I try my best at everything I try or do and am proud of the results whether it's what I wanted or not. I'm simply me...simply Natalie. I love being real and having so many friends and family whom I love and adore! If someone doesn't like me-either they don't know me or they haven't gotten to know the real me, because I'm as loyal as a pit bull ;)
I'm not saying all this for any reason..I just felt like I am truly happy with myself, my life and my family so I should share my self-discovered confidence and let you get to know me a little better. I am an un-perfect, wannabe pro photographer/beautician/RN (just some of my 'dream jobs' ;), sometimes too whiney but always there-for-you kinda girl who lives everyday to it's fullest and doesn't mind dancing in the rain! My husband and son are my world-the center of my universe. My I love them all to DEATH. My family...well there's not another like them and I am thankful for each and every one.
I have great news! Thanks to the help of my SIL, Tiffany, I sold my beloved Sony. (*Sniffles). I really do want to upgrade, don't get me wrong but that camera has been good to me, an awesome teacher. I'm on the move to a Canon 40D (or 50D if I can find the right price ;) so IF ANY OF YOU HAVE ONE OR KNOW SOMEONE SELLING ONE I'D SURE APPRECIATE YOU DROPPING A LINE IN THE COMMENT SECTION OR EMAILING ME :-)
So I'm going to share a few challenges and photos from the week..I hope you enjoy! I mentioned this in my last couple posts I believe but I will again..I haven't been blog visiting as much as I'd like to lately (we've had the busiest most hectic week just behind us) and I am trying like crazy to reply via email so bear with us as we get things back on track here! Thanks so much to each and every person who continues to stop by and leave words of encouragement and fill my heart with happiness! I hope you all have a very blessed and beauiful week! Enjoy my photos! :)

Week 9 of Project 365
26-Plenty of Dillon this week ;) this was him scootin' around the kitchen on his scooter!
27-Spent the whole day in Evansville, Indiana with my sister and her husband..this was taken at Walther's Golf & Fun (and it was!)
28-I am certain my baby boy who usually avoids the camera is starting to take a liking to it..YAY!
1-Horrific day :-| My husband got in a wreck which you can read about a few posts back...scariest day of my life..but thankfully to God in Heaven he came out okay!
2-Allergies had us up early with stuffy nose and a cough, but much better now!
3-A scripture on a little cross-shaped stone
4-I started knitting again, it's so time consuming I'm contemplating switching to crochet :)
Scavenger Hunt!


Okay this is a stretch I'll admit but hear me out. The photo on the right is of the right side of my face..then the one on the right (which was taken with my iPhone) was MORESO of the left I thought okay I'll use it for the Diptych prompt and use it for my "Selfie Saturday" since she suggested we pick a prompt from Scavenger Hunt Sunday and incorporate our selfie! Hey, it works for me ;)


This was taken a couple weeks ago, he loves me to read to him and I try to everytime he asks!

3.Fill in the Blank

"When I think about how much of this breath-taking effect is in Dillon's eyes I just have to try and take a billion photos each day..because they need to be shared with the world! :-D
4.A Taste of Italy

This photo is OLD. But the only thing I have of a kind've Italian food, lasagna~!

This is a reminder each and every day of how lucky and blessed I am!
Also-the texture of his hair/skin I'm gonna try and slide as my entry into Texture Thursday! HEHE

Those were my interpretations! Hope you enjoy! Here are some more photos out of the couple I've already shared!

15 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Wonderful photos. Love the P365 collage. Thanks for the OLW link up :)
love all they dilly bar photos! Very nicely done!
Happy Monday~
Great photos. I love your weekly wrap up. Thanks for linking up. Have a wonderful week.
Love what you wrote, Natalie! And, this is such a great collection of photos. Love them all!
beautiful pics.. and good luck finding the camera...
I just want to give you a hug right now - I can sense so many changes right now...and I've been there. You're such a talented young much ahead of you. These photos are beautiful.
Beautiful job! I love them all!
Love this post, these photos are gorgeous. Your fill in the blank is too cute!
what a gorgeous little boy.
great photos.
i love the selfie diptych
I love your fill-in-the-blank!
..although when the time comes for teenage girls to be gazing into those eyes, you might have to amend your sentence. ;)
Such sweet shots of Dillon!! :)
I love that you put your P365 photos of the week in that pretty little collage.
Have a great week, Natalie!
LOVE your fill in the blank shot! Just great! :)
You're welcome ;-) I love the photos of dillon with the darker purple type of tint and the ways his eyes look I love that action?!?!? I also agree with the above we are all blessed and have our own things that make us *us* and our dreams too :-)!
great photos! Good luck in your search for a new camera, I have the 40D and love it!
Hi, Natalie!! It's so nice to really "meet" you! :) Love your honesty and down-to-earth-ness! Love your love for God, husband, and family!!
I'm excited that while you've lost a great friend (Sony) you'll be getting an even better one!!
Love all your pics -- but the last couple of your boy and the one with the book pop out as my favs!
You're adorable and beautiful!!
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