Onwards I go. This week at the Trendy Treehouse the theme is "Swing". Yay for that because I just took a swing shot last week that I love! (Well actually I took a few) but since we're limited to one entry this is my fav:

And just for a different perspective, I have this shot too :->

Say hello to my future heartbreaker!

He's starting to embrace the camera ;)

The theme this week at Perceptive Perspective is "Power". This may not be the most pleasant interpretation and you can read more about it and what happened in my previous post I mentioned at the firt of this post but it's the truth. It took a lot of power to do this to our truck:

And it's gonna take a lot of power/elbow grease [not to mention money] to fix it.
Lastly, it was a Higher Power that brought my husband out of it safely.

Lastly here is my Week 8 of 365. A few were taken with my iphone (the days I was sick mostly) because I didnt feel like gettin out the camera. But a picture is a picture right?!

Feb 19-My BFF's son's 2nd birthday was this day! :)
Feb 20-My husband at the Park
Feb 21-S'mores!
Feb 22-My son had 10x more clothes than me!
Feb 23-a photo of me and my baby! It's supposed to be like that (I accidentally cut off our heads) But I still loved that I caught our smiles.
Feb 24-Our roads flooded after terrible storms.
Feb 25-Me..after I started feelin' a bit better!
My husband is gonna be SO happy to learn that his "Serene" photo he took of a sunset a couple weeks ago Won THIRD PLACE in Shauna's vote-off of the top 5!! He was already gloating about placing in the top 5 but to learn he won in the top 3 by 'popularity' he will be thrilled. Maybe it will lighten his mood! ;) Shauna also had some nice things to say about his entry at the bottom of this post where she presesnted the winners! Thanks to everyone who took time to go vote for him!

Hope you enjoyed my post and I hope you guys have a great week!
14 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Cute pictures! Thanks for linking up to Happy Monday! :)
Love these!!!! Oh yeah, check this out...
SUCH adorable photos! Love them =)
I love your 2nd perspective swing shot. So great!
The second swing shot is my favorite. Love it! Great job doing so much so early in the morning :)
I love your swing shots, very cool!
Love your shots
very nice i love these all<3
the first swing shot is awesome! I love that you can just see half of his face and just the hint of a smile. Cute photo!
dill is cute in the first photo haha love the expression!
Love the swing picture! You can see he is smiling :) very cute,
all pictures are great!
Great photos. Love the second swing photo. I love your photos for the week too, especially 23. Wonderful photos.
I adore those swing shots! How on earth did you get the focus on his face so well!! I've tried that with my nieces/nephews and utterly failed with focus!
Still saying PTL for your hubby's safety!
Oh totally loving the heart breaker shot! He will be one for sure!!!
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