
Project 365, Week TWO!

Woo hoo! Another week has come and gone and I managed to make it through! This week I made my photos into a collage! So I didn't have to have a big long post ;-). I am really wanting to turn my 365 project into a book at the end of the year so I guess you can say I have the motivation to do it..and I hope the motivation sticks! Anyways here's my photos for the week:
Day 9-15 collage
Days 9-15 and here's an explanation for each:
9.-Sun peeping through the trees as we went for a little stroll to the mailbox in the dusty snow!
10.-Seashells in a jar taken while helping my sister-in-law move.
11.-A pirate necklace that belongs to my son..sorry for the slight distortion..it was resized so small when I put it in the collage I had to free transform it bigger and it got kinda distorted!
12.-My "Drip Drop" Project!
13.-Lazy day, bowl of frosted flakes ;)
14.-Sunset off our front porch.
15.-Sunrise off our front porch!
I'm linking up at a few of the blogs hosting the link ups for project 365..and I wish you all a WONDERFUL weekend. And by the way, the photo that placed Top 5 was in 2nd Place with the voting! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Thanks so much for taking time out to go vote ;-)
NapTime MomTog Project 365
The Daily Wyatt

14 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Awesome job. I am planning a book at the end of the year as well. Great minds think alike, right?

I love th epirate necklace.. on my screen it does not look distorted

Our Beaten Path said...

I agree with the comment above. I too love the pirate necklace shot!!

And here too, making a book. Mine will include my whole blog for the 2011 year. I've also done one for 2010. Anything to keep us motivated is key! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your collage!! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. Thanks for linking up. Hope you have an awesome weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I think 9 is my favorite! I love the sun shining through the trees!

Kara said...

this makes me SO wish that i could've kept up with mine. but i promise i'll blow you away with my proj52! if i ever start it. :p

this is my new blog link. i deleted the old one :) change is a good thing!

Anne U @ hot coffee mama said...

Very moody sunset shots.

faith ann raider said...

LOVE your #14 & 15! beautiful :)

Unknown said...

loving the sunsets! I am a sucker for sunsets!

Jennifer said...

Great shots! Love the drip drop shot.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Loving 14 and 15. :)

Michelle R said...

Yay on week 2!! Woo-hoo!!

I'm loving 10 - so could use some sun and sand! :)

Anonymous said...

Great shots! The book is a great idea!

Jamie said...

You had a very beautiful week.

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