
What a Nice Saturday Morning!

I {Heart} Faces..Innocent Wonder
I saw the theme for this week's I Heart Faces challenge (although the link up isn't up just yet, but I knew exactly what I would use for my Innocent Wonder photo. I did a shoot of this adorable little girl at the very end of this fall! She is bursting at the seams with energy and capturing a photo is challenging with kids who move as much as she does but we managed to get some awesome smiling shots and some GREAT candid shots like the one above. We piled leaves on her lap and she threw them up in the air making all kinds of faces such as this! She looks so amazed and "innocent" as she watched the leaves fall. So this is my entry this week for Innocent Wonder!!

365 Link-Up Number 3
This was my week in photos! Days 16-22. Day 16 we spend outside most of the day as it was mild and nice. Day 17 was a receipt from Wal*Mart which is a typical bi or tri-weekly trip we make. Day 18 was a discovery I made while cleaning up my son's room, he had put a cracker in his firetruck from who knows how many days before, I had to have a photo. Day 19 was my bead project .. Day 20 was my son refusing to take pictures so that was the ONLY photo I took that day. Day 21 was our mini snowman we made outside..and day 22 was yesterday as we spent the whole day with my best friend and her little boy and we had an outside ADVENTURE! So all in all it was a pretty fun week!
NapTime MomTog Project 365
The Daily Wyatt

Also While I have you here:
I was chosen as Top 5 in Shauna's Photoshop Challenge! See:
Woo Hoo! Im so honored and excited. Now there will be a vote-off for the top three on her blog! So this is where I yet again come to you and ask for your votes! Please! Here is the photo that I submitted:
And here is the post I featured it in. If you thought it was cool or are just now seeing it and think it's cool could ya please head on over to Shauna's Blog by clicking HERE and voting for me, "The Franklins" in the poll at the top of her blog! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH in advance! Y'all are the BOMB!

17 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Actuary Mom said...

I love the bead picture. Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I love your collage. Wonderful job!

Unknown said...

I love the cracker in the truck... silly, and typical of a child. Your little boy's a cutie.

Have a great week!

Jamie said...

So many great photos! You've had a beautiful week.

Anonymous said...

Omgosh the first one is to die for, soooo adorable! Love all the photos! I will be voting for you! Yay! xx

Marci said...

I love the light thats coming through those beads..so pretty! Oh, and don't even get me started about Walmart..I am pretty much obsessed with that place and go there several times a week as well lol

Colleen said...

Your photos are gorgeous! I love the light and reflection in the bead shot.

Daniele Valois said...

NICE photos!!!

MarieElizabeth said...

Really good photo choice for innocent wonder.

Kara said...

went and voted for you most def! love you :)

Karen said...

Love the truth in tri weekly walmart trips. It is a too familiar place. Great photos!

Anne U @ hot coffee mama said...

Great photos, like the little snowman. Congrats on Top 5!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from naptimemomtog's blog hop. Great photos! Stunning, really!


4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...these are all so great, Natalie! I can't pic a fave!

Unknown said...

WOW! that bead shot AMAZING! WOW!

Lisa said...

Love the snowman!

Photography said...

just voted your winning so far!!

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