
My Sister

My sister has started a new blog.
She wanted to create to see if she could find anyone dealing with the same problems as she is.
She has been told by doctors that she has PCOS and a tilted uterus.
They haven't told her this would stop her from conceiving a child,
but since they've been trying to for almost a year now she's convinced it's the problem.
She would make a great mother to children as she has a kind heart and I pray daily that in God's time He would bless her with a child(ren).
If anyone of you lovely people out there have had similar struggles or stories I would so much appreciate if you would stop by her blog, which is Here and leave her some kind words of encouragement or share your story!
She is the sweetest person you'll ever meet and just wants to feel like she's not alone! Thank you!

5 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

My sister is dealing with the exact same thing. Tell your sister to visit her blog:

Tiffany Franklin said...

Thats sweet. I took a look earlier. I hope she is able too. I read they may pass a bill that allows insurance to pay for ivf which would be great if people who have fertility problems need it to conceive!

Shannon said...

I've dealt with PCOS and I am pregnant (25 weeks) with my third so there is HOPE! I will check it out and follow along! Thanks for sharing!

Jesslyn Amber said...

Bless her heart! I will keep her in my prayers!

ADSchill said...

Thanks for stopping by Natalie. I am involved with a huge group of Infertility bloggers who all have similar stories. Some are now pregnant, some are working on secondary infertility, while others like myself are still struggling with it. I have both PCOS and a tilted uterus, as my sis said. I hope your sister comes to visit my blog. It does help to talk to others who are going through it too.
I'll stop over to her blog and introduce myself.

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