
My Week 4 of 365 Project!

It's late, I know, but I don't want to deprive and skip a whole week!
So here is my collage:
23-28 collage
Top Left: Dillon with a face mask on (it was off like .2 seconds after the pic!)
Middle Left: Morning after hte night my sister Emily stayed the night, they were playing and acting silly!
Bottom Left: My Dad's microphone
Middle Top: My Mom's Birthday!
Middle Bottom: Neighbor's horse, Sasaphrass!
Top Right: Dillon in the bathtub!
Middle Right: Gumball held by my hubby!
There you have it! :D

5 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Jamie said...

A week of beauty.

- Jessi - said...

What a great week! I love the collage :)

Tiffany Franklin said...

I love the gumball close up. YAY for early spring I need some vitamin d haha.

Michelle said...

This is such a great way to showcase your photos. My faves are your dad's microphone and the gumball held by your hubby.

Photography said...

Dillon is looking more like your hubby every day!! I like you collage.

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