First of all my Mammaw has been a little under the weather lately, so the first of last week I spent the day taking my Pappaw and her to the local Multi-Care for her to see a doctor as he takes care of her but relies on his family to help him with her and trips like that. Then, out of nowhere, temperatures in the 60's and 70's emerged! It was gorgeous. I had 5 shoots set up for last Thursday but had to move 4 of them as it was VERY VERY windy that day..and has been ever since! I'm talkin BAD BAD winds. I managed to get one shoot done Saturday right before my best friend's little boy's 2nd birthday party and I know you'll see some shots from it...I'll be posting a few of them over on my WEBSITE, so feel free to mosey on over and check them out!
Although I was absent from the blog world it was an eventful week for me! My photo placed in the top 10 over at Trendy Treehouse's and The Paper Mama's (Top 5) of my "Valentine" entry! To see it go HERE. I am so giddy and excited that my last minute entry placed at # 3 at both blogs and am very honored that the lovely Chelsey and the Trendy Treehouse gave me the honor of being in their top 10 and 5! Thanks guys!

Also, remember those water/disc photos I did? Well my post was featured in Ashely Sisk's Scavenger Hunt Sunday yesterday! How cool is that?! Speaking of Scavenger Hunts, here are my interpretations!


One of the ingredients of my FAVORITE summer treat...S'mores!! Mmmmm
This will also be my entry for Paper Heart Camera's theme this week which is also chocolate!


Over the weekend my friend's little boy turned "2"...a number correct?? His party decor was Yo Gabba Gabba!!
3.Canned Food

Sort've a boring shot but I thought it had an interesting DOF!

(I know I promised I wouldn't share any more of these)...but I had no other photo that really represented music LOL!

Stack of cups from the birthday party!!
Okay so the Shoot and Edit theme for this week is pink! I haven't done a shoot and Edit since the first one I think! (Shame on me!!) But this photo was taken yesterday of my little sister with on of her favorite pink leopard print jackets on!

This is my Mellow Yellow Monday entry. See the touch of yellow on the end of the guitar neck? This was the cute little boy I did a shoot for over the weekend!

The theme over at The Paper Mama this week is red, so I mentioned that I went to a birthday party this weekend and the walls were red!! So here's a photo of the birthday boy (My friend KARA'S son) Gunner...and the red walls behind him!

(And also note the red "stuff" on his arm..which is icing that stained his arm from the cake he was sneaking in along with my son! LOL)

Also I wanted to throw in my Project 365 collage for Feb 12-18th, which is here:

Feb. 12-My Disc Project
Feb. 13-Project inspired by Brooke at My [Boys]terous Life.
Feb. 14-Pine trees that were "inverted" in CS5
Feb. 15-"Peace and Tongues"-Me and my son were stickin' our tongues out as my sister took a picture of us, I noticed later it looked like he was giving the 'peace' sign with his fingers!
Feb. 16-Spent the whole day at Madisonville Park with my husband and son, my sister and her husband and my friend and her little boy, Gunner (whom is hugging Dillon in the photo :)
Feb 17-My boy at a place we took a rhino ride to with Daddy, lookin for new places to do my client's photos :)
Feb 18-My husband in a mid-air leap to catch a football he and my bro-in-law were tossing!
OMG, the cutest theme over at Trendy Treehouse...DIMPLES! I love dimples, although I'm pretty sure I don't have any (cheek ones anyways haha) and my son doesnt, but the first photo that came to mind is a photo from a shoot I've used one particular photo from for a lot of different entries. This is a different photo from the shoot though. My cousin's daughter, Destiny during a fall shoot last year. They're kinda faint but she can show some dimples if she really wants to!..

This will definitely be my Tuesday Sweet shot! I love his eyes and smile here!

The bokeh in this is "yummy" :D

Three greatest men in my life......My husband; My Daddy...My Son.

Lastly and not leastly (I know, you're so tired of this mile long post!) my cell phone picture entry for I Heart Faces!

It's a little fuzzy but it was taken a couple weeks ago of my son eating a chocolate cupcake :)

21 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Those are ALL great pictures! I really love your music shot! I've got to try it out sometime! Thanks for linking up to Happy Monday! :)
You take such fun photos!
Wow that is a lot of photos. I love them all, especially your chocolate photo. Don't forget you can link up with my Project 365 if you want. :D
Love your sweet shot pic :) so cute! he is adorable,
I really like the fuzzy camera shot, it looks old school! Dimples! So super cute! I cant enter the "dimples" this week, we have none around here.
Congrats on the tops photo's! good job!
Wow, a smorgasbord of lovely shots! :) I am so loving the pine cone shot and that pic of your son right before it. Beautiful!
Yay, for your photo challenge placements! =)
So many great shots! :-) Looks like you had a fun week too!
It was so much fun to see the pictures from your week Natalie! I love how happy the children are! I love the fun you have together. You have a beautiful life!
I totally love your chocolate photo. The sharpness and the DoF rock!
Congrats on the awards!
and - thanks so much for adding me to the FB group yesterday and hooking me up with the buy/sell group. I will find me a use Nikon 85mm. I will - I will. And I will NOT pay $1,000 for it. heheh
Happy Tuesday!
What a beautiful post with so many beautiful images...glad to see you haven't completely disappeared. You rock!
Your always amazing Natalie! LOVED all the photos and love your blog!
Wow! Not sure why you wouldn't share the music shot...I think it's one of my faves from this set! Love the colors!
LOVE all of these! Great shots!
Lots of great stuff here! Don't even know how to pick a favorite! Thanks for stopping by today!
These are all great, but I'm in love with the chocolate photo. It's dark, it's yummy, and now I want s'mores.
Came over today from Sweet Shot Tuesday! DARLING photo. Actually they are all wonderful!
Came over from Perceptive Perspective. Love your interpretation of yummy. I have to say my favorite shot is the chocolate shot. MMMMMMM, smores.
Wow! you've been busy! Great shots!
Love the Yo Gabba Gabba shots. My granddaugher would love these.
I do like the DOF on the canned shot. My favorite however is the music shot - WOW!
A week??!! Really??? lol!! That's ok!! We will still be here, unless we're taking a week off, too!!
Great post -- with bunches of awesome shots!! I really did read though the whole thing, I promise!!
I can't really pick any favs, except the ones w/ your kiddo in them are always adorable. And I'm still loving the cd/music/water shots! Oh, and your 365 collage -- cool!!
Congrats on getting a couple of awards/being featured! :)
Btw, I posted a how-to on one of my recent shots -- it's one that I was talking to you the other day about you having to try out (if you're inspired) seeing you're usually inspiring me!!
these are all such wonderful photos...i'm still drooling over your s'mores shot!!
Am loving them all as usual! But that sweet shot one OH!!! He is just so sweet!!!
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