The lovely Ashley Sisk wrote a post that I LOVED and encourage all to read! I love her "Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday" posts. I (regrettably) don't get to go to church as much as I'd like or as often as I should but I try to go when I can and I try to incorporate God into my daily life and my son's. I'm not a perfect person, I can't do everything the "correct way" but I do it my way which is the way it should be if I'm comfortable with it. My attitude isn't always the greatest and I do regret some things I say and do to others but I'm only human and God's forgiveness is all I need. People who love and accept me will overlook those things and look inside to the 'beautiful' person I am ;)
The "I Am Beautiful" project really opened my eyes to real self-beauty and worth. I loved that Jill came up with that and all of the ladies who have participated are in fact BEAUTIFUL and lovley, inside and out. God made us into who He wants us to be, created wonderfully and fearfully in His image and we should be proud of that and love and accept ourselves the way we are! That's not to say we shouldn't improve ourselves me wanting to loose a few pounds for my health's sake but still loving ourselves is just a good way to be a more pleasant person all around!
This week is Photographer's Choice at Hollie's blog...I am so thrilled to be able to pick a fav to share this week.. and this taken yesterday at my Mom's of my most favorite tree in her yard is the one I'm sharing! And since it is of a's also my entry for the theme over at Ray's blog!

Simplicity's theme is "Flowers and Leaves" so here are a photo of my FAVORITE flowers about to bloom...TULIPS!

The theme over at Trendy Treehouse for Shutter Love Tuesdays are "Hands"...I am so glad I just took this lovely photo :D

He was using sidewalk chalk and was like..LOOK AT MY HANDS MOMMA!

For my happiness project this week, I'm using my hubby's happiness, cause it only means just as much to me as my happiness! (HE DESERVES ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD!) But yesterday he FINALLY got him a ride on mower. It's used but new to him, and we got a great deal on it, he mowed our yard and was like a kid in a candy store. Love you hunny!

Lastly but certainly not leastly is my (LATE!) Project 365..

19th-Taken with my iPhone, I loved the pic of me and Dillon, even though I had windblown hair! LOL
20th-Taken at 4:45 AM on the mornin of the 20th of the "Super Moon"
21st-SOOC of flowers taken for the Good to Wow but never followed through with the edit..but I really liked the SOOC..hehe
22nd-yet another KY sunset
23rd-My sister returned from her and her hubby's anniversary vacation to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge...they brought Foxy out to play with her friend Allie (my parent's dog_)
24th-Bath time in the sink! Hehe, he barley fits in our kitchen sink now, it's sad to see him grow so fast, so much..but I love him!
25th-Sleepin boy after a long day out and about in town!
Trivia Twosday!
First time you had stitches?
The day my son was born! I had a C-section with him and was sewn up with dissolvable stitches. It was well worth it though, one of the best days of my LIFE!
Jelly or Cream Cheese?
Jelly if I must choose. But rarely...mostly on biscuits or on PB&J. I prefer homemade jam if anything ;)

Also thanks to my lovely lovely friend Michelle for givin me a shout out in once of her posts! Glad to inspire!!
18 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Great shots. That tree is just amazing.
Cute hand shot too♥
I can't wait for spring! That tree would be my favorite too! I can just smell it now.... mmmmm..... *sigh*
It is lovely around here. Your photos are amazing.
Take care. xxx
Beautiful photos - I especially love the hand shot. And so glad my post today inspired you. :)
Tulips are my favorite flower also. Ya'll must be a bit ahead f us down in Kentucky. My tulips just now popped outta the ground not flowers yet. but soon I HOPE!!
Very lovely pictures...I may have to get me an iphone one of these days! Cream Cheese. Always! =D
GORGEOUS shots! Glad you enjoyed a warmer day!
Gorgeous photos friend!! Looks like a beautiful day to me =) xoxo
Wow your tree shot is so beautiful!
I can't wait until the trees around here start blossoming. :)
Thanks for linking up!
Love your hand shot too, so cute!
Great flowers shots. ready for mine to bloom and some plant some if the weather actually stays above 60 ya know ;-)
Wonderful photos. Looks like a great week. I had stitches for my csection too.
Dear Natalie, I love coming to your blog every week. I really, really love it : ) This post was beautiful! I have not one doubt in my mind that you DO show Jesus love every day of the week! I can see it in your posts. It is beautiful! You are beautiful!
Thanks for linking up today with Trivia Tuesday! I love your project 365 collage!
And I love your name! Happens to be my daughters name!
Very nice and love the tulips.
awe, aren't you a doll!! xoxo :)
I sure hope your 80s come back, but as long as the sun is shining, 40 ain't too bad.
Love how your attitude is changing -- we do need to accept ourselves for us, now - and if we're able to leave it in God's hands, He'll help us make smarter choices and improve both our outward and inward appearances. :)
Love your bright cheerful tree blooms -- the light and bokeh is beautiful!!
I adore the hand shot -- I want one of those! But I don't think my hand would be as cute... maybe I'll have to get a paw instead! hehe!
Yay hubby for getting a rider!! Woo-hoo! Although, dear, it don't look like you got much grass to mow at the moment... hehe!!
I'm loving your 365 shots -- you rock for keeping it up!
That tulip shot is AMAZING!! Just lovely :)
I love the picture of the tulips, Natalie -- they're beautiful even when they're just buds -- thanks for visiting my blog today --
Your flower captures are amazing! I really love the tulips. That chalky hand is adorable! Great capture!
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