Anywho, onward we go! I have decided that I was going to quit doing photography as a business and continue it as a hobby! I love photography and will "restart" it back up in the future but right now with a small child and us working on paying down/off bills and really hoping to buy a home THIS year I feel like tyring to run my own business in the midst of that will just add to the hecticness. Plus we are relying on one vehicle right now since my hubby's wreck a few weeks ago. So I am not going to quit doing it completely for a profit..just am gonna delete the fan/business pages and have ONE facebook and just keep the blog/website I created for anyone who may ask now and again.
I'll probably also hold "mini-sessions" for holidays and seasons but other than that no more commercializing and advertising! It kinda already feels good having that pressure gone and making sure to check three facebook pages per day and all :D. This also will give me more time to practice and get better and maybe build up my arsenal of equipment! But I just wanted to share that with you all! Tell me if you think it's loony or not! HEHE
I am contemplating going to beauty school..not sure yet. I cut hair already, self-taught and love to do it and figured that would be a fun thing for me to do to make some of my 'own' money..but I'm not sure!! Also I'm going to be crocheting more things and sewing some camera straps and making "lens friends" and hopefully can find a few buyers for those! I'll start posting photos as I get them made! HEHE! I'm all excited.
Okay enough of that, yesterday I spent the day with my friend Kara! You can find a related post on her blog about our day together! We had fun! Hung out for like 5 hours and the boys played until they were tuckered out! We took lots of photos of them and she brought all her backdrops/lights/stands to try and do a mini shoot of them together. That just didn't work out, two 2 year olds with extremely short attention spans who are tired and BOYS just doesn't mix with trying to get them to sit still and pose! But out of all the chaos we managed to get some cute photos! (Even IF we had to bribe them with donuts which covered their mouth and clothes and my floor!). Here are some photos from yesterday!

My baby boy

Gunner Trace

Lil' Rascals!


More Cheesin'!

These are all "Vibrant" :D
It was a fun day!!! I hope you're enjoying your week!
11 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Congratulations on that decision - I just had dinner with a friend who was complimenting me on enjoying photography without the chaos of also trying to run a business. I'm not quite sure how you do both but I would hate to have my passion pulled out from under me because of the stress of earning my keep. Does that make sense? Anywho, my sister went to beauty school and does love it but she also complains about being on her feet so much. IDK, love the pictures!
I totally understand where you're coming from. I am starting to find it quite depressing doing photography as a business while my daughter is home. I will definitely stop that the minute she starts school and return to the museum to do what I went to school to do. Mixing a hobby with work really does damper things. Love your photos! Cutie little boys :-)
You know, it's hard to do everything!! I have trouble just balancing motherhood and my blog sometimes! Haha! :) Good for you, taking a step back for a while. You can leave the door open and it will still be there when/if you're ready to walk back through it! I don't think you're loony for doing so. :)
I always thought beauty school would be fun. {That also makes me want to sing Beauty School Dropout from Grease, hahaha!}
Thats why I only do it part time. I put my family and life first and my hobby (business) 2nd its a passion I love to do but it's my 2nd job so I understand that and about wanting to move we plan on next year but that will rely on ryan more than me since I don't work full time or anything... but are those coltons old shirts I gave you or no? they look like them haha!
I love what you are doing... YOu ahve to do what feels right for you... I still take cleints after the move, but not activley advertising.. I have a book deal in process.. but it is a long journey.. My focus is there.. but clients come out of the woodwork.. which makes it i get to work with a famous photographer this summer...more on that to come, but it will be huge....
Those VIBRANT pics ROCK!
Congrats on your decisions. Sometimes a change is what we all need! These photos are so cute :)
Hugs! I know that was NOT an easy decision! Excited to see how God will bless you for saying yes to focusing on what is most important now! :-D
Your shots today are so sweet!
Yay you for your hair finally growing out! I can't cut mine short for that very reason -- regret after the fact! Ug.
I'm proud that you've made a decision about your business and that you are feeling good about it! I am so not business minded, so just the thought of trying to run one with everything else you have on your plate is just overwhelming to me! It's got to be nice knowing now you don't have to be on the computer so much checking on things. :)
Beauty school -- fun! fun! You have all sorts of surprises, don't you! :) And now crocheting and sewing??? You rock! lol! Your sewing projects sound interesting... hum... :)
So glad you got to spend some time with a girl-friend and then your boys got a play-date out of it, too! Looks like you all had a blast! You already know I love these shots (btw, thanks for the flickr love back!)
Oh, and I echo Jill on being proud that you're focusing on what's really important and what's a priority to you for now! That's always great when you get your priorities in order, and you follow through on it! God does know the best for us, if we just seek his will in our lives. Easier said than done, but very possible! :)
Well, congratulations on doing what make you happy!
maybe a baby will be in the plan soon. I am just kidding.
Good Luck with your decisions. Maybe you will by a house closer to Indiana. :) BTW We are headed to Lawrenceburg, Kentucky next week end.
Those are some cute faces!!!
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