Well my son woke up (for some great unknown reason) at like 4 AM wanting to "get up for good" and I was like well...since I'm up I might as well take a look outside. Low and behold I see clear skies and a beautiful bright moon. My second attempt proved successful at capturing the Moon in all it's splendor! So I edited/uploaded them ASAP, then back to bed for me.
Well tonight the moon proved to have even more tricks up it's sleeve. It was a faint orange color! So I ventured out and got a few shots of that. Now I will overload you with several moon shots at once! I hope you enjoy...[Take with Canon 40D/Canon 28-200mm]

All the photos above were the ones taken on March 20th (today) at 4:45 AM..the next few are tonight at around 9:00! (Mar 20)

I hope you like them! :D
7 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Great shots Natalie!!!
Absolutely beautiful!
WOW! What great shots! I couldn't get a good look at it here in Washington :-(
you did a great job natalie! i missed it while driving on the highway and unable to pull over to capture! glad you took these to share!
xoxo jill
Great shots! I took a few too, but haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. My facebook feed was full of people's shots of the moon that night. I think it was the most photographed moon ever!
Using the same lens, I could not get it.. give me some tips please!!!!!
Like it???? what??? LOVE 'em!! hehe!
It was so rainy and cloudy and stormy here on the 19th that I thought I missed it for good -- and was rather upset - but figured I'd see the moon some other night, even if it wasn't "super" -- Then on the morning of the 20th, when Jeremy came home from work, he woke me up, told me to grab my camera and get outside shooting the moon. Well, Storm and I rushed outside, and sadly, where our house/neighboor hood sits, even though you could see the moon driving here, I couldn't find it anywhere! And Storm and I walked around several blocks trying to get around bldgs and trees and such -- :( boo. So I was like "whatever"... it's NOT that super of a moon. lol!! Then this morning I take Storm out and wow, that moon was shining! So I ran back in and grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots. They're no where near like yours (still rather hazy) but they'll do -- they're only a day late and a dollar short! lol!!
I said all that to say YOU ROCK!
You're my moon-hero!
I'm weird, glad you liked me before now. hehe.
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