[....] My heart sank into my stomach because he almost sounded like he was hurt and as I gathered myself I asked if he was okay and he said yes. It's hard to hear your spouse, the person you love the most, the strong one of you both to be shaken so badly. So I had to wake our son and bring him to my Mother's next door and make the horrid drive to the scene. It was about 6 miles from where we live and he had turned onto a main road in a local city and hit a patch of black ice and lost control and ended up in a ditch. The way the truck looked lying there in the ditch made you think that the person driving had to be moderately to seriously injured but his Guardian Angels were definitely flying with him that day, their arms wrapped around him. God watched over him, that's for certain.
You can replace vehicles. Car lots will sell you cars all day. But you can't replace loved ones, and I don't know what I would have done if he were seriously hurt or worse. But I try not to think of the 'what-if's'. I'm just so thankful that he was okay and that he was able to walk away with nothing but a bruise on his thigh. It will definitely be a day we won't forget and I'll be eternally greatful to the Man upstairs. Here are some photos taken with my phone at the scene of the accident:

And this was after they towed it to our home:

Scary isn't it? Very. I hope this never happens to us again-[Good Lord willing].
16 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
Very blessed! I know you are thanking the Good Lord. I like what you said about Guardian Angels. Glad your husband was ok.
Praise JEsus that he is safe...OH MY HOODNESS! Thank you JEsus
Oh my goodness - I'm so thankful that he's alright. How scary!
Wow, that is scary. Thank goodness...he is safe...Lots of hugs to you
Sorry he had to go through that - and you too. Glad to hear he was not hurt. I've been in a situation like that, where everyone should not have walked away, but we did and I thank God for it.
OH my gosh how horrifying! Praise God he's alright. Take care all of you!
Oh, wow, Natalie. Praise God he's okay. I know that had to be so, so scary for you both. XO!
I read this on Facebook. I am sorry I didn't rely then.
I have gone threw this. I will don't go into it. But all I have to say is.. GOD is Good - ALL the time God is good!
I am so glad that he is okay; this happened to me once, got the call from my husband late at night. So scary, but so thankful that nothing irreplaceable was taken away. Hoping this "slump" passes soon!
Natalie! I've been meaning to write you, and something keeps happening and I get distracted. I saw this on FB - oh my goodness! PRAISE GOD your husband is safe! When I saw the pictures online (bigger), my heart just sank. How scary - I can't even imagine. The truck looks like it really took a hit. SO glad your husband is safe! ♥♥♥
I am so glad your husband made it out of that accident OK. I can still hear my husband's voice when he called me at work in a similar situation. You are very blessed!
Oh Natalie, how scary! I am sorry you guys had to go through that. You are right, you can buy new cars but not loved ones. Give him an extra tight hug today.
So very scary. So glad he is okay.
That is scary. Glad he is okay.
Oh wow, Natalie!! Praise God that he's ok!!! And you are so right: vehicles can be replaced -- husbands and daddies, not so much!!
God definitely had his hand on you all!!
hugs and love!
Oh Natalie! So glad that he is okay. Certainly watched over xx
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