
I {Love} Photography

To be brutally honest,
when I first started taking photos with my little point and shoot
I thought I was "so good."
I really didn't have anyone to compare to, as I didnt have a myspace OR a facebook for a while after my marriage and son's birth.
The photos of my son as a newborn/baby/toddler..I LOVE no matter how blurry or out of focus they may be, because it's memories.
But now that I've met so many amazing photographers and seen some incredible work by every one of you! I am so glad to be apart of a community of photographers who just love to swap kind words and show off our families and talents with one another!
Anyways, looking back a couple years ago I can plainly see that my photography has improved by LEAPS and BOUNDS. Not because I upgraded from a point and shoot to a DSLR, because I've seen some of the best photos come from point and shoots and even iPhones!
Remember, it's not the equipment, it's the person behind it.
Anyways..I'm sharing some of my link-ups for Friday..I hope you enjoy!

Out of all of my photos from our snow escapade yesterday, this is my favorite. To me it's perfect...I am so proud of it..and I can't even explain why. God's beauty. The End. I will be entering it into Live Every Moment's "Anything" theme this week as well as my "Best Shot" photo at Better in Bulk. Also, for the Show {Off} Your Photo over at And Then, She {Snapped}..I will share that I opened the photo in CS5 and ran Nelly Nero's "Whipped Cream" action on this photo and turned OFF the selective color layer and turned ON the yellow bump layer. I love this action for snowy photos! It's the BOMB! And fyi, over at Living with the Lowrys, she is hosting a new link-up called "My favorite things" so photos like this are some of my favorite things!
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

and then, she {snapped}

Macro Friday
Jan27 (3 of 9)
Im sorry--this may not count as a 'true' macro but it's a close up of my handsome man's face and I LOVE the way it turned out so I'm throwing it in anyways ;) The reflections in his eyes qualifies for the "reflections" theme over at Foto Friday right?!? ;)
Household6Diva FotoFriday
I hope you guys have a great weekend! And by the way if you'd LOVE the chance to win a custom made camera strap cover by the once and only Rachel from And Then, She {Snapped} head HERE to enter!!!

27 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Holy moly, that shot of the winter wonderland should be in a magazine somewhere. Just beautiful. I so wish we had winters like that here!!! I just love the beautiful white snow and how it lies on the trees and ground. *sigh*

rachel said...

gorgeous winter wonderland shot. It really did turn out perfect. And your little guy is adorable, as usual.

Katherine said...

Both of these are beautiful, beautiful pictures. Great job.

Mommy2Four said...

Gorgeous winter shot, and your little guy is super cute!

Jessie said...

Very nice! Is that a frozen creek?

Gina Kleinworth said...

Totally agree. However I know that what I was trying to capture with my point & shoot would have turned out so much better if I had the features I have on my new camera. But it does take vision first & foremost :)

Love your captures for Friday!

Anonymous said...

Awww your message was so inspirational and uplifting. Since I still (sadly) only have a point and shoot, I feel less of a photographer but you definitely made me feel better about myself! Awww!! I ALMOST bought a DSLR yesterday but refrained since I am trying to be wise with my savings so maybe in a few months. The one I want is only around $700 and perfect for a starter DSLR so I keep telling myself one day...one day... And until then I will just continue to be inspired by people like you & learn so much about this art along the way!

This is such a gorgeous winter shot. Seriously, you're so talented!! Thanks for being a great blogger friend. I hope you have a fabulous weekend! xoxoxo

Marla said...

I love the winter shot. It is oh so peaceful and looks like something out of Narnia. :)

And your little boy is precious.

Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

Landscapes are always my favourites and wow I wish this was one of mine -it's terrific. I must try out that action on some of my snow scenes and see how they turn out.

You're right about the camera too - most of the time it's the creativity from the person taking the shot that makes the difference.

Jessica said...

Gorgeous winter picture!

deb duty said...

Your winter photo is just gorgeous! Thanks for the tips on how you edited it.

Unknown said...

Love that landscape shot! I love photography, too, but it has taken me a LONG time to get my confidence UP. :)

Anonymous said...

Love that first shot! It is definitely a great capture of a snowy landscape. I have always loved photography and have learned a lot over the years, but still have more to learn. Art is constant change. :)

Cecily R said...

I love the winterscape shot, but have to admit, that close up makes me grin to my toes. I can never resist a good close up of a beautiful kid. And that kid is YUMMY.

I'm with Lolli. Photography is a passion, but it's taken me a long time to feel confident enough to share it, and I still have setbacks. I admire you and your talent!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Beautiful winter scene-- and your sons eyes are amazing! Love these!

Tara said...

SO very beautiful Natalie...just gorgeous! And, of course your son is just too cute for words!

Beth P. said...

Gorgeous! What a peaceful scene :-)

Susan said...

I love your photos! You really are a warm person and it certainly shows through in your blog!
I'll be following you!

Shannon said...

Thank you so much for linking up to my blog today! I absolutely agree with you about it being the person and not the equipment. Also, just knowing how to use whatever camera you are using helps, too. For example, I had no idea my little point and shoot had an aperture priority setting until I learned about it on my dslr. :)

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Beautiful photos.

Kathleen said...

As sick and TIRED as I am of seeing winter, your first shot is just GORGEOUS!! :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That winter scene could be a Christmas card! Fantastic!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

The winter shot is gorgeous! I would hang that on my wall! And your little boy is adorable, I love that shot :)

MandeeFoFandee said...

wow... that snowy picture is gorgeous! I love how all the branches and crazy lines make it seem a little chaotic, but the monochromatic colors make it peaceful. nice work!

Ashley Sisk said...

You're so right that no matter the quality - sometimes, it's the memory that counts. I absolutely love your first image...beautiful. And the picture of your son is really nice too.

Tiffany Franklin said...

Dillon is so cute. I love that saying. I always thought it was the person behind the camera not the camera its self to make a good photo! the winter shot is nice too!

Robin said...

Incredible!! Absolutely gorgeous shot!

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