
Whoa-Been Workin Hard!

Did you miss me yestderday?
I didn't get to do any of my Tuesday challenges Monday night
as I was working on a project.
You remember that second blog I made, the private one?
Well I wasn't using it much as I really didn't have the time.
So yesterday I had the GREATEST idea.
I would turn it into a "website" for my business of course!
So I worked and worked and WORKED on it and finally am satisfied.
It is public of course and if you'd like to see it click right
Okay onwards we go!

Trendy Treehouse..Overlays
This is a shot I took Monday night at my parent's house. Their 26 year anniversary was the 24th and my Mother's Birthday is the 25th! (The day that just passed) So I was visiting them Monday AND yesterday for those reasons too! Anyways this represents a BIG part of my life. My Dad is a singer/songwriter who has written over 3k songs! They're so good and I grew up on music...I love it..It speaks to my soul! This is his mic, I added a texture overlay to it for the theme over at Trendy Treehouse this week, to see more go Here:

The Happiness Project
Okay so you wouldn't believe how happy a simple card makes someone on their 'special day'. My Mom is always easily teary-eyed and this card from my sister and her husband to her put a smile and tears of joy on her face!

Parenthood (Perceptive Perspective)
Me and my Boy!
This may not be the most creative use of this theme but I don't get my picture taken with my little man often as I am usually behind the camera and it's such a treat to get a decent one of he and I let alone getting one altogether! This is who I am, this beautifully handsomely smart little boy's Momma and that's my first and foremost job and my priority. He is my everything! To see more entries go here:

Sweet Shot Tuesday/Communal Global
Capturing this little guy as he made each move to "start up" his circular saw was pretty sweet. I had to make it into a collage so that you could see the rhythm and how the three photos 'flowed' together so well! Isn't it darling. I love that he is actually smiling!
Sweet Shot Day

Wordless{ish} Wednesday
Yeah I'm pretty wordless. You've been hearing me complain of snow so much I'm sure you'd like to gag on it...but lookey here lookey here. The last snow we had (the one I was taking pictures of my little man in a few posts ago) was like 5 inches deep and took about 4 days to melt off completely. Today the last bit was gone. So we walk down my parents in the RAIN and when we came back out to leave THIS IS WHAT WE FOUND!??! Wow. I was like REALLY!?!!? :)
Friend Finding Fridays Live and Love...Out Loud
Shibley Smiles reviews and giveaways
Better In Bulk

Wow! That was a long and complicated post! But proud of myself for catching up ;) And if you've come this far I must ask for your vote for my photo over at Shauna's blog Captivus Living. My photo made it into the Top 5 and there is a poll there you can vote in for the Top 3. Mine is the second down, "The Franklins". It takes 3 clicks and just a few seconds to go there and cast your vote! PLEASE! :) Thank you. Just click HERE if you wanna!

15 Lovely Reader(s) Said:

Tiffany Franklin said...

Dill is so cute and yeah so much snowwwwww

Anonymous said...

Cards make me happy to! Thanks for sharing :)

Pamela Gold said...

Your son's eyes are like my son's. They're kind of deep set and slant slightly downward at the outer edge. I can stare into my son's eyes all day, it's like a movie I can't stop watching. That photo of you and him nails the look!! He's precious. And that rain photo? Very cool capture.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Loved all your shots! Your little guy is SUCH a cutie!! :)

WW: Summer House Renovations

Lisa said...

I like your overlays shot!

Ashley Sisk said...

These are wonderful - love the overlays.

Anonymous said...

Awww love your litto man!! So cute! Congrats on the new site!

Tiffany Franklin said...

are you editing all your wedding photos :O?

Jamie said...

Like that microphone!

Headed over to check out your new site now.

4 Lettre Words said...

LOVE that shot of you and your boy. So sweet!

Suburban Girl said...

Nothing like a little boy and his tools!

Jesslyn Amber said...

I know that I have already commented to you today, but I wanted you to know that I awarded you over at my blog! :) I am inspired by your photography and I really enjoy looking at your blog! :)

Here is a direct link! :)


Michelle R said...

I voted. :) That was a really cool shot!

I love reading your blog posts! So fun to see what you got to say about your shots.

These were all good, and while I could pic a fav if I had to, I don't so I aint! :)

Michelle R said...

Great job on your photo blog header for your business!

Good luck! :)

Hollie said...

I totally understand "being behind the camera" and not getting many good ones with the kids... kinda stinks! Great pics!

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