It's the day of rest.
It's the day off work.
It's just an all around good day.
Sooo without further adieu, here are my Sunday links ups!
Scripture & a Snapshot/Scavenger Hunt!


I love this verse. It's long but it sends a message that is much longer! Children are a blessing, miracles of life we as women carry in our body. Do you know how TRULY amazing the human body is? Especially the woman body, to be able to grow and nourish a LIFE and then bring him/her into the world. I may not want 19 like the Duggars but I do love them..they are the spice of life, and my son is my world! I'm also using this photo as my interpretation for 'water' which was Ashley's first word in the list of Scavenger Hunt Sunday items! (As he is in the bathtub and covered in water!)


I shared this in my last post in my Week 5 Project 365 link up! But here it is full size and the quote in the thought bubble was taken from Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo. I wrote it on the tub wall with Dillon's crayola tub markers..the quote was my sister's idea! I thought it was cute ;)

Totally brain farted on this one. Yes, I said brain farted. It's where you totally lack any ideas of creativity at all and all you could do was to literally take a picture of a window. This particular one is in my kitchen.

Lately, this has been an activity that goes on OFTEN. If you've never heard of it or aren't familiar with these playing cards, they're from the game Rook. It is a really fun game and if you've never played it I strongly suggest you go get a deck and try husband and I are SOO competitive when we play! This "hand" is held by my Dad..
5.Page 25 of a Magazine

The focus on this is cruddy and again it's not the most creative use of the list item but nonetheless here it is! This was page 25 in my JC Penny catalog!
Selfie Saturdays
There is this new link up now over at Selfie Magic called Selfie Saturdays. It's all about taking self portraits the right way. This week's theme is "Our Dream Self"...basically what we want to be and pretty much any selfie to introduce ourselves, here is mine and it's from back in the summer of 2010

I love this photo because I had lost nearly 25 lbs last summer, was so proud of myself because mostly all of that was baby weight. But unfortunately I have gained most if not all of that back...BOOOO! So I'd LOVE to get on track and get healthy this spring/summer and make it back to this!
Simple as That; Sunday Snapshot; One Word |Captured

To make a long story short, this was little britches after he threw a fit because he insisted on doing absolutely everything he wasn't supposed to. After Mommy got onto him he threw a fit and BACK TALKED ME. GASP! :-O This just started and he is barley two. This corresponds to my one word (which I cheated and chose two-Strength and Perseverance) because now he's developing an attitude and I will have to find the strength and perseverance to make sure he is kind and not hateful or smart, as we were never allow to act this way growing up, I don't think he should either. He is a sweet boy, he has never had problems fighting with other children and he is polite most of the time so I'm pretty proud of him thus far and hope that I continue to receive strength and guidance from God to raise him to be a Good boy and man!

Okay folks, that is it! Thanks for stopping by and being so kind to take time out to read some into my little world! Have a great Sunday!
37 Lovely Reader(s) Said:
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Quote shot --absolutely brilliant! Looking at that photo makes me wish for the 178th time that our bathroom walls are white instead of the beigish marble that they are.
Has anyone told you that you have gorgeous eyes? You do. :)
First of all, YOUR EYES are Gorgeous!
LOVE the Quote! Love the Activity!
and I hear ys with strength and perserverance! I have a 3yo daughter testing mine as well!
LOVE your quote shot!! I really want to do something like that now! And your selfie is stunning!
Fabulous photos. All of them. The perspective of the water shot is awesome. Thanks for linking up with OLW :)
Amen to that quote! You may have brain farted on the window shot, but I wish I had wall paper in my kitchen! Your selfie is awesome :)
I really like that verse for scripture and a snapshot - what a responsibilty goes along with that!
That bath quote is just so creative and your selfie is so good. It was your eyes that were the first things I was drawn to in the shot.
Such wonderful shots. I really enjoyed the rook capture. I used to play rook all the time!
What an ADORABLE shot of your son in the tub and a PERFECT verse! Beautiful photos.
I just love your first shot of Dillon in the tub. Beautiful!
Great photos! I love your activity one and your selfie! You can do it again :)
Awesome shots this week! I love the first two so much!!! Your quote shot is so creative!!!
I love your activity shot!
your quote shot is awwwwwesome! :) LOVE :)
These are fantastic - that first shot is beautiful! Awesome work!
LOVE both your water & quote shots! Your quote is SO creative!! :)
I love your first shot. So creative.
And your selfie is perfect. You're super pretty. :)
Marla @
I love your Scripture & a Snapshot photo!! The composition is great! I often have to remind myself of this verse when my kids are throwing fits. ;)
these are really nice.
Love your self portrait and the rook cards photo is really fun. I've never played.
your photos are AMAZING!!!! You are so talented. I really hope that by the time I have kids I have your skills - these are over-the-top fantastic.
I always love to come to your blog because you've always got so many happy photos to make me smile. Love these Natalie...especially your scripture shot and your water shot. Gorgeous work. Also love your selfie!
Fun shots this week... I love your water baby... and bible verse!~ and your quote made me laugh... I always say that to my kids... it is sort of a family joke... we say it with many things... "just keep eating, just keep cleaning, just keep reading, just keep walking..." it is our family thing... ha ha! =)
Such a beautiful Scripture and a Snapshot!!! They are such a blessing!
Such a beautiful Scripture and a Snapshot!!! They are such a blessing!
Your scripture and a snapshot is phenomenal, and your selfie is GORGEOUS! I loved your quote shot too!
LOVE, love your S&S shot! And you are so pretty, girl!!
Thanks for stopping by June Makes Six...I have enjoyed visiting your blog. Have a great week.
Oh you look so pretty and happy on that selfie! You eyes just sparkle! Great selfie and I am looking forward to seeing your full body shot next week! I also hope you joined the GET FIT challenge to help you get to that "dream self"
Love the water shot! Oh so cute :)
Wonderful shots... love your water shot!
Beautiful photos! Love the quote in your first photo and we love playing Rook too.
love your blog. new to it and wanted to tell you how much I loved it. The photos are gorgeous you are a very creative person. I look forward to following you.
Beautiful work! I love your water quote shots! Great self portrait.
Oh, dear! You've done it again!! I keep getting favs as I scroll down and now I need to go back over it to remember what I wanted to say! lol!!
Ok, so, first - I love the s&s shot -- way too cute bathtub pic and I love the verse that goes with it!!
The quote shot is cute, too!!
Your brain farts crack me up! Love the apple curtain!
I love playing cards!! We used to have friends that we'd play cards with every fri/sat night... but we ended up moving and that stopped that.... :(
Your pg 52 magazine is hilarious -- because I saw on Selfie Saturdays different suggested poses - and look -- they're right there! lol!!
Wow - you've got some beautiful eyes - and love that curly hair!! Good luck getting back on track!! But really -- you are beautiful just the way you are today -- extra lbs or not!! You are made in God's image and we must remember that!!
And good luck with the boy -- just keep strong and remember to raise him right! You'll do great, I'm sure!! But yes -- stop that back-talk while he's still little and you can bend him across your knee -- it drives me crazy to see parents let their kid get away with everything when they're little, then try to discipline when the kid's a teen -- a little too late, sorry!!
You're pictures are AAAAAA mazing!!!!!!! Love the selfie shot!! You're adorable!
Loved the baby photo and angle along with the Scripture. Good meditation.
what a cute little guy. love the photos! :) rebecca
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